StageLens Reports
StageLens reports are customized for each client and application. Assessment results include overall developmental level and a profile of frequencies across all levels for each individual. Each individual is identified by an ID number and their demographic properties (age, gender, company department, education level...whatever questions are specified for the project). The first Figure below shows data for a group of 8 individuals along with a histogram showing the model's level of certainty for each. The second figure illustrates the comparison of developmental profiles across different demographic groups. The third figure describes some of the group-level assessment questions made possible by scaled-up developmental. Unlike the case with individual assessment reports, for which standard descriptions and interpretations can be given for each developmental level, the interpretation and comparison of group developmental profiles is very context-specific. There are no boiler-plate reports for this application, but rather our expert consultants work closely with clients to understand the assessment context, design the study, interpret the results, and create a custom report.
Scores and confidence levels for 8 individuals